Arduino library to drive HerkuleX DRS-0101 and DRS-0201
This is the complete list of members for HkxPosControl, including all inherited members.
_connected | HkxPosControl | private |
_deadZone | HkxPosControl | private |
_herkXCom | HkxPosControl | private |
_id | HkxPosControl | private |
_ledControl | HkxPosControl | private |
_maxPosition | HkxPosControl | private |
_maxPWM | HkxPosControl | private |
_minPosition | HkxPosControl | private |
_minPWM | HkxPosControl | private |
_print | HkxPosControl | private |
_pwmOffset | HkxPosControl | private |
_saturatorOffset | HkxPosControl | private |
_saturatorSlope | HkxPosControl | private |
_statusED | HkxPosControl | private |
_torqueControl | HkxPosControl | private |
_zeroPosition | HkxPosControl | private |
clearStatus() | HkxPosControl | |
getBehaviour(HkxMaybe< uint16_t > inputVoltage, HkxMaybe< uint16_t > temperature, HkxMaybe< int16_t > position, HkxMaybe< int16_t > velocity, HkxMaybe< int16_t > PWM, HkxMaybe< int16_t > goalPosition, HkxMaybe< int16_t > trajectoryPosition, HkxMaybe< int16_t > trajectoryVelocity) | HkxPosControl | |
getID() const | HkxPosControl | inline |
getLEDControl() const | HkxPosControl | inline |
getStatus(HkxStatus &statusED, boolean update) | HkxPosControl | |
getTorqueControl() const | HkxPosControl | inline |
HkxPosControl(uint8_t ID, HkxCommunication &herkXCom, HkxPrint &print) | HkxPosControl | |
isInPosition() | HkxPosControl | inline |
movePosition(int16_t destinationAngle, uint16_t playTime, HkxMaybe< hkxLEDControl > LEDControl, bool waitStop) | HkxPosControl | |
reboot() | HkxPosControl | |
setCurrentPositionTo(int16_t currentPosition) | HkxPosControl | |
setLoad(uint16_t newDeadZone, uint8_t newSaturatorOffset, const uint32_t &newSaturatorSlope, int8_t newPWMOffset, uint8_t newMinPWM, uint16_t newMaxPWM) | HkxPosControl | |
setTorqueLEDControl(HkxMaybe< hkxTorqueControl > newTorqueControl, HkxMaybe< hkxLEDControl > newLEDControl) | HkxPosControl |